If you’re running a WordPress website or blog, you’ll know how important it is to see your visitor and blog statistics. Unrive.io Visitor Tracking is a completely free and powerful wordPress plugin that provides you with all the traffic data you need to make informed decisions about your website or blog, from marketing through to the type of content that works well. With this plugin, you can monitor your site’s traffic, see which pages are most popular, and even track where your visitors are coming from. Plus, with its intuitive interface, you can easily understand and analyze your data without any technical knowledge.
With Unrive.io Visitor Tracking plugin for wordPress, you can track visitor behaviour in real-time, count and track pageviews, and track the performance of individual blog posts and pages. You can see where your visitors are coming from, including search engines, referrals and social channels. The plugin is a privacy preserving, cookie-less website visitor tracking for your wordPress blog. Allowing you to track your visitors, without compromising privacy. It’s simple to use, your visitor statistics are presented in a user friendly, intuitive way. It’s private, with zero IP tracking, digital fingerprinting, or cookies. The tracking code is super lightweight, it’s less than 1kb in size. The platform is friendly with all major privacy laws including the GDPR, CCPA and PECR. The data is yours, We never share your data with anyone.
The Unrive.io Visitor Tracking plugin for wordPress offers an API based visitor summary directly in the wordpress dashboard along with widget blocks, to make viewing your traffic data easier than ever.
Signup for a free account and download the plugin.
Disclosure: We are affiliated with unrive.io
Tags: WordPress, WordPress Plugin, Free WordPress Plugin, visitor tracking, traffic analytics, website statistics, cookie free wordpress web stats, gdpr wordpress visitor stats plugin, free gdpr wordpress visitor stats plugin, cookie free visitor stats, cookie free visitor analytics, cookie free traffic counter, wordpress traffic counter, wordpress traffic counter plugin